Festival for New Economic Thinking | KEWG Call for Abstracts

Dear young fellow Keynesians,

The Keynesian Economics Working Group (KEWG) kindly invites submissions to our YSI Working Group Sessions at the Festival for New Economic Thinking, which will take place in Edinburgh from 18-20 October, 2017. It will be followed by the INET Plenary from 21-23 October, to which you are also welcome to attend.

Call for Abstracts “The economic consequences of austerity: current evidence and future perspectives”
The KEWG seeks to encourage submissions on the economic and political consequences of austerity from a Keynesian perspective. We also invite contributions in the following areas:

  • Fiscal and monetary policies
  • Growth and inequality
  • Financial instability
  • International trade and finance
  • New approaches to modeling

Submit your abstract here
Submissions must consist of the title of the work, name and filiation (in case of two or more authors, please indicate which one aims to present the work in Edinburgh), and a brief abstract (500 word limit).

The deadline is 21 August, 2017
Selected participants may receive travel stipends and accommodation.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Edinburgh!

Best wishes,
Rafael Ribeiro and Guilherme Magacho on behalf of the Keynesian Economics Working Group

Useful links:
KEWG Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/332208573782409/
Festival for New Economic Thinking: https://newecon.co/
INET Plenary : https://www.ineteconomics.org/events/2017-conference