Finance in developing countries and COVID crisis: What’s going on in Mexico

**New webinar: Finance in developing countries and COVID crisis: What’s going on in Mexico
Time: July 1st, 2020, 11:00 am UTC-5 CDT (Timezone: Mexico city)

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Following up on the previous webinars on the Economic Consequence of Covid-19 in Latin America, the Economic Development WG and the Latin America WG are happy to announce yet another episode of this series. In this meeting, we will host Professor Noemi Levy Orlik on the financial effects of the crisis in Mexico.
Biography: Noemi Levy Orlik is currently a professor at the Economics Faculty at UNAM, in Mexico. She has been working at UNAM for more than 35 years teaching in the bachelor, master and PHD Economic programs. She has been awarded with Premio Universidad Nacional en Docencia en Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2014 (most important of UNAM teaching award, in her field), the Reconocimiento “Sor Juan de Inés de la Cruz”, (for the most outstanding women researcher in her university, 2019) and she belongs to the Mexican National Research Council (CONACYT-SNI). She specializes in issues regarding financial macroeconomics, monetary theory and policy, Latin American development studies, and international monetary analysis. Her research activities are extensively published in international and Mexican journals and editorial houses. The latest book she has published are “América Latina movimiento de capitales y su efecto sobre el modelo liderado por las exportaciones” Economic Faculty UNAM (2019), “Financialisation in Latin America. Challenges of the Export-Led Growth Model”, Routledge, (2018) “The financialization response to economic disequilibria: European and Latin American Experiences, Edward Elgar publishing, 2016