Invitation to YSI Pre-49th EEA Workshop

Dear all,

The Keynesian Economics Working Group is pleased to invite you to YSI's Pre-Event to the 49th Eastern Economics Association Conference. As a pre-event, we will have a workshop at the offices of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (One Grand Central Place, New York, NY) on Thursday, February 23rd at 3:30 PM – but you are welcome to arrive at 3 PM if you want to chat and have coffee with us before the presentation.

Professor Gilberto Tadeu Lima will present his work on "Coevolutionary dynamics of heterogeneity in microeconomic behavior and macroeconomic performance", followed by a discussion with the students in the audience. Gilberto Tadeu Lima is a Full Professor of Economics at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Moreover, if you are going to be at the EEA at the Sheraton Times Square, please consider attending the YSI sessions on Friday and Saturday mornings. It will be great to meet fellow YSI members there!

See you soon,

KEWG coordinators.