TOMORROW: The post pandemic economy and its political consequences

Don't miss our two webinars tomorrow!

At 9:30 AM (ET), to drawn the conclusions of the reading group of Curto-Circuito, the book by Laura Carvalho on the economic crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic, we will have a special guest, Fernanda Cimini. She is Professor of the International Political Economy in the Center for Development and Regional Planning (Cedeplar) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and her research focuses on International Development, Public Policy, and Latin American studies. We will talk about the State's role in the pandemic making a comparison between countries in themes such as the pandemic control strategies, the need to expand the increase in the capacity of the health system, and the policies to minimize the impact of the pandemic on the population's income.

At 12:00 AM (ET), the next episode of The Economic Consequences of Covid-19 in Latin America series will host Daniela Campello, who is Professor at FGV/EBAPE in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She teaches courses and conducts research on international and comparative political economy, focusing on the consequences of economic internationalization in domestic politics and democracy in emerging economies. We will discuss the International financial markets' responses to different policies in the region and their influence in economic policymaking before, during, and after the health crisis.

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