Webinar with Guido Calabresi ”The future of law and economics” NOV 13th

On the 13th of November members of Finance, Law and Economics WG of Young Scholars Initiative will have the honour to host a webinar with professor Guido Calabresi. Besides being a senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and former dean and Sterling Professor Emeritus at Yale Law School, Guido Calabresi is one of the most impactful and cited authors in American legal scholarship. Additionally, as one of the founders and most influential advocates of the law and economics movement professor Calabresi is among the first to combine legal and economic research into a powerful type of institutional economics that has influenced theory and policy across the board.

The topic of the webinar will be professor Calabresi's latest book ''The future of law and economics''. In this book he proposes a division among different strains of approaching the problems that have both a legal and economic side. He identifies these different strains with Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. The first, Benthamite, strain, “economic analysis of law,” examines the legal system in the light of economic theory and shows how economics might render law more effective. The second strain, law and economics, gives equal status to law, and explores how the more realistic, less theoretical discipline of law can lead to improvements in economic theory. It is the latter approach that professor Calabresi advocates, in a series of eloquent, thoughtful essays that can appeal to an audience of L&E scholars and general interested public.

As it has been the habit in previous webinars of the working group, the participants in the webinar will be invited to discuss the talk and ask questions related to its' explicit topic but also any other, that professor Calabresi could be of help with, when it comes to research in the field.

The link for the webinar that will be up at the time:
