Welcoming new project submissions and State of the Field Report

Dear Historians of Economics / Economic Thought

As the new academic year begins we want to welcome you to submit projects and activities to the working group.

Our group's ongoing and past projects can be found on the WG website. A reminder of an exciting session coming up tomorrow:

Webinar: Why study the history of development economics? with
Michele Alacevich (Associate Professor of History, Department of Political and Social Science, University of Bologna). You can join from the project page.

Finally: please take a moment (no more than 5-10 minutes) to help us compile the State of the Field Report survey: here: https://fs8.formsite.com/CNZLjX/qk4w1pfrzh/index.html

At the upcoming plenary we will host a special session with key mentors in the field to discuss it and hope to see you there!

Best wishes on behalf of the coordinator's team