TOMORROW: The fragility of the Colombian economy in times of coronavirus

Tomorrow our next episode of the webinar series will host Prof. Diego Guevara from Bogotà, who will share us some thoughts on the fragility of the Colombian economy in the wake of the pandemic.

Diego Alejandro Guevara Castañeda is Assistant Professor in Macroeconomics at the National University of Colombia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, UNAL), from which he also holds a Ph.D. in Economics. He carries out research mainly in Heterodox Macroeconomics, Financialization, SFC Modelling and History of Economic Thought. He was visiting professor at the International Business Administration Europa-Universität Viadrina, visiting student at the University of Limerck and he worked for the Colombian Ministry of Communications. In addition, he taught also at the Universidad Catolica de Colombia, the University of Sabana and the Pontifical Javeriana University. He is editor of Cuadernos de Economía ( and columnist of El Espectador.

Fasianos, Apostolos and Guevara, Diego and Pierros, Christos, Have We Been Here Before? Phases of Financialization within the 20th Century in the United States (June 27, 2016). Levy Economics Institute, Working Papers Series No. 869, Available at SSRN: or

Guevara, Diego and Martínez, Manuel. La fragilidad de la economía colombiana en tiempos de coronavirus Blog El Espectador (April 7, 2020). Available at:

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July 21 2020, 12:00 (ET)

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