Early Career Researchers Series
Early Career Researchers Series, building on the success and intellectual foundation of our previous project, "Expanding the Frontier of Economics 1.0," we are thrilled to announce the launch of a […]
Early Career Researchers Series, building on the success and intellectual foundation of our previous project, "Expanding the Frontier of Economics 1.0," we are thrilled to announce the launch of a […]
Welcome to the new year, 2025! And thank you for participating in 2024! We truly appreciate your efforts and commitment. To begin the year on a high, we are calling […]
In 2025, the ECOECO Traveling Schools of Climate Justice is being planned under the theme of “Creating collective futures to face the climate crisis”, to be held in Santarém, Pará, […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
Join us for the inauguration of the new Center for Heterodox Economics (CHE) at the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The CHE focuses on exploring revolutionary ideas that advance heterodox economics and challenge mainstream economic thinking. This inaugural conference will gather leading scholars, organisers, and students to delve into the study of capitalism with its pressing […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
Ask any questions about how to run projects in YSI The conversation may cover: What it means to be an organizer in YSi How to think about projects in general […]
Welcome to the 5th annual Money View Symposium. Over the past decades, Perry Mehrling has built on the British and American central banking schools to developed what he calls the ‘money view’. While economics and finance have oddly abstracted from the concept of money in order to focus on other problems, this minority view focuses […]
The subject matter of Economics has been undergoing rapid change during the last two decades with the advent of new technologies and new methods of production and distribution. Several economies […]
The economy is a complex evolving system, thus its analysis requires tools that can take into account all dimensions relevant to such a complex world. As young researchers, we often question how to take into account heterogeneity, interactions, non-linearities, path-dependency, and tipping points to name a few. In this project, we will learn and discuss […]
On the occasion of the IAERE 2025 General Conference, which will take place at the Department of Economics of Università Roma Tre (Rome), the Keynesian Working group is pleased to invite PhD students and early-career researchers to participate in the YSI Workshop “Wide ranging economics perspectives for sustainability”, scheduled for 18–19 February 2025. The workshop […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]