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Brainstorm of projects for 2022

YSI Workshop: Brainstorming a 2022 agenda

Start time:

December 4, 2021



UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Greater London, England, WC1E 6BT




The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented global crackdown. Its emergence is a result of the unequal and ecologically unsustainable ways of life imposed by capitalism. Its rapid expansion reflects the deep integration of global capitalism, but its unequal impact and the asymmetries in public policy responses highlight the inequalities that exist at multiple levels, including class, gender, race and regional inequalities. Simultaneously, not even a global lockdown of the economy for several months was enough to sufficiently deviate global warming. More broadly, the pandemic is a major but certainly not the single effect of the Anthropocene. While carbon emissions of richest 1 percent more than double those of the poorest half of humanity, it is the latter who suffers the most from the consequences of an unsustainable world economy.

In this context, the following years are crucial. Although there are no magic bullets, young scholars can contribute to framing and developing an academic agenda engaged with building an alternative future.

To that end, this workshop will be an open space where new and old members of YSI will elaborate on pressing challenges of contemporary capitalism. Our aim is to brainstorm YSI projects for 2022 that are aligned with the mindset of building a future that overcomes every form of inequality, which also requires to overcome ecological disasters.

Discussions will be organized in plenary Knowledge stations (KS). This format was already used in the past and draws on the concept of playground of ideas in the sense that it encourages participants to actually create new knowledge altogether in a collaborative, stimulating and open environment. It consists of an open session where all the attendees are expected to answer to questions in line with the main topic of the KS, taking turns and elaborating on what previous speakers said. Among the participants, we want to engage scholars throughout the whole academic pipeline: young scholars (master's students, PhD candidates, and undergraduate students), young mentors already holding a PhD and senior mentors.

Considering the pandemic restrictions, we will only be able to invite a limited number of participants already based in London, where the event will take place.